יום שני, 30 ביוני 2008

Pictures of Sarah

sarah patterson picture in the movie"the company of wolves"

the biggiest question is why did sarah decide to leave the actor life ?
where is sarah patterson ?
nowadays no one know the answer even not IMDB !!!
so if some one know some thing about this amazing actor you sould write a comment or sent the info to IMDB or to my E-mail.
i am very curious about it .
so pleasse

bio of sarah patterson

Sarah Patterson is a British film actress born in 1972.
For her acting debut, Patterson starred as Rosaleen, a Little Red Riding Hood
counterpart, in the Neil Jordan and Angela Carter film The Company of Wolves in 1984. In 1987 she starred alongside Diana Rigg in another fairy tale-inspired film, playing the titular heroine in Cannon Films' Snow White. Neither of these films were great commercial successes; however, the actress did develop somewhat of a cult following. She has only appeared in a couple of films since, both produced by Valiant Doll: her friend Lisa Gornick's independent film production company. The Valiant Doll film Do I Love You? marked her return to film after an absence of over a decade.
this is sarah patterson fan site
i open it before couple minutes
and i will put here pic of sarah and info of her
in this site you can talk about her and tell things that you want to say.
i hope that sarah sometime will open this site :)
i will upload to here sarah's trailers movies that we all loves
i became a fan of sarah after i saw her awesome movie the company of wolves she just played great there if you havent seen this movie yet.so run to the store and buy it !!!!!!!
so here we go
The Sarah Patterson Fan Site is finally open:P